Thursday, November 12, 2020

Fish for people: Notes

1. Andrew is a form of the Greek name Andreia, which means "manly" or "brave." If Andrew had a Hebrew or Aramaic name, it is not now known.
Simon might be a Hellenized form of the Hebrew Shimon (which means "heard") or the Galilean may have been given the Greek name Simon ("pug-nosed"). Which derivation is correct is not known, but we might suspect the two brothers were given Greek names in an area that was under heavy gentile influence.
1a. Technically, Bethsaida was not in the Roman-supervised region of Galilee, which was ruled by Herod Antipas, but in the region of Lower Gaulanitis, which was part of the tetrarchy of Herod Philip II. Even so, as the town was apparently right on the Galilean border, this point is of little consequence.
2. James is derived from a Greek form of the Hebrew name Jacob ("Trickster").
3. John is derived from a Greek form of the Hebrew name Jonah ("Gift of God").

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Crucifixion: Notes

1. Information on Cyrene comes from a Wikipedia article: h1. Some think that Mark liked to use Aramaic here...